quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

Green Steel - Altar of Invasion (Tier 1)

Todos os craftings a seguir e mix de ingredientes devem ser feitos no Altar of Invasion, na primeira parte de Shround.

Escolha um efeito para sua arma ou acessório (os efeitos são diferentes), veja qual é a combinação necessária para conseguir o efeito desejado na lista Efeitos em Armas (Tier 1) ou na Efeitos em Acessórios (Tier 1). Basicamente são 3 tipos de itens (Focus, Gem e Essence), faça os 3 de acordo com a lista Ingredientes abaixo e coloque-os no altar, juntamente com uma Shard of Power e uma Low Energy Cell para criar sua Shard of Power imbuída com o poder que deseja. Logo após isso, coloque seu item, a shard pronta e uma Low Energy Cell no altar para finalizar seu Tier 1.


Inferior Focus of Air = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Inferior Focus of Earth = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell
Inferior Focus of Fire = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell
Inferior Focus of Water = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Low Energy Cell
Inferior Focus of Negative Energy = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Inferior Focus of Positive Energy = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Gnawed Bones + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Cloudy Gem of Dominion = Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Low Energy Cell
Cloudy Gem of Opposition = Small Gnawed Bones + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Cloudy Gem of Escalation = Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Diluted Ethereal Essence = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Length of Infernal Chain + Small Devil Scales + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell
Diluted Material Essence = Small Glowing Arrowheads + Small Devil Scales + Small Twisted Shrapnel + Small Sulphurous Stone + Low Energy Cell

Efeitos em Armas (Tier 1)

Improved Magnetism VI = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Improved Corrosion VI = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Improved Combustion VI = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Improved Glaciation VI = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Improved Nullification VI = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Improved Devotion VI = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Shock = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Acid = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Flaming = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Frost = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Unholy = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Holy = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Charisma = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Wisdom = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Intelligence = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Wisdom = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Intelligence = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Charisma = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+6 Dexterity = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Constitution = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Dexterity = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Strength = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Strength = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+6 Constitution = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Heightened Awareness 1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
5% Electrical Absorption = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
5% Acid Absorption = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
5% Fire Absorption = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
5% Cold Absorption = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
15% Negative Energy Absorption = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
10% Healing Amplification = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence

Efeitos em Acessórios (Tier 1)

Lightning Lore = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Acid Lore = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Fire Lore = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Ice Lore = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Void Lore = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Healing Lore = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Minor Lightning Guard = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Minor Acid Guard = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Minor Fire Guard = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Minor Ice Guard = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Minor Evil Guard = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Minor Good Guard = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Dominion + Diluted Material Essence
Wizardry VI, Charisma Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Wizardry VI, Wisdom Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Wizardry VI, Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Wizardry VI, Wisdom Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Wizardry VI, Intelligence Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Wizardry VI, Charisma Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Elemental Energy, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Elemental Energy, Constitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Elemental Energy, Dexterity Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Elemental Energy, Strength Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Elemental Energy, Strength Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
Elemental Energy, Constitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +1 = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Escalation + Diluted Material Essence
+5 Reflex Save = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+5 Fortitude Save = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+5 Reflex Save = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+5 Will Save = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+5 Fortitude Save = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
+5 Will Save = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Ethereal Essence
Greater Lightning Resistance = Inferior Focus of Air + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
Greater Acid Resistance = Inferior Focus of Earth + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
Greater Fire Resistance = Inferior Focus of Fire + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
Greater Cold Resistance = Inferior Focus of Water + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
Blindness Immunity, Disease Immunity = Inferior Focus of Negative + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence
Lesser Regeneration = Inferior Focus of Positive + Cloudy Gem of Opposition + Diluted Material Essence