sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Guia - Litany of the Dead - Perguntas do Dragão

Em Litany of the Dead, ao cair em uma jaula e se deparar com um grande dragão nego, converse com ele e de acordo com suas respostas, você é direcionado para um boss específico ou terá uma morte instantânea.

Respostas para Cinnis
1: The Emerald Claw. (Evil)
2: I would stand by his side as he brought Stormreach to its knees. (Evil)
3: Let him destroy what he wants. If the heat taunts him then let him suck the heat out of all living things. (Evil)
4: I would not have traded my freedom or anything else for her life. (Evil)
5: Deliver it to Vol and claim all the rewards she can offer. (Evil)
6: I think using his artificing skills to make flesh golems is ingenious. (Chaotic)
7: I would have ransacked the temple for anything I needed to stay alive and killed any who had what I needed. (Chaotic)
8: Broken the arrangement as soon as I could get another good chance to strike down the Black Abbot. (Chaotic)
9: Forget that. It's not my fight, I'd leave and go somewhere far from where the Abbot would ever try. (Chaotic)
10: If the Black Abbot offered him a better deal, I can't blame him for taking it. (Chaotic)
11: The Destroyer. (Chaotic Evil)
12: They lack the will to take and do what they want. (Chaotic Evil)
13: Red or white. (Chaotic Evil)
14: Tell the adventurers they could pass if they won the battle of wits, then destroys them all. (Chaotic Evil)
15: Cinnis, the Cinderspawn.

Respostas para Cholthulzz
1: Silver Flame. (Good)
2: Never. He is a scourge on Xen'drik and he must be stopped. (Good)
3: If something has heat it should be left as it is and Cinnis should deal with his hatred internally. (Good)
4: I would have done anything to save my daughter. (Good)
5: Destroy it once and for all. (Good)
6: He and his creations are abominations. (Lawful)
7: Stayed faithful to the Lady, knowing she would be my salvation. (Lawful)
8: The same. A contract is binding and I would have followed the conditions. (Lawful)
9: I would follow the orders I was given. (Lawful)
10: He deserved to die for betraying his faith and oath to Vol. (Lawful)
11: The Crusader. (Lawful Good)
12: They lack honor and compassion. (Lawful Good)
13: Gold or silver. (Lawful Good)
14: Engage the adventurers in a battle of wits and if they win let them pass. (Lawful Good)?
15: Cholthulzz the Doomsphere.

Respostas para High Priest of Vol
1: The Emerald Claw. (Evil)
2: I would stand by his side as he brought Stormreach to its knees. (Evil)
3: Let him destroy what he wants. If the heat taunts him then let him suck the heat out of all living things. (Evil)
4: I would not have traded my freedom or anything else for her life. (Evil)
5: Deliver it to Vol and claim all the rewards she can offer. (Evil)
6: He and his creations are abominations. (Lawful)
7: Stayed faithful to the Lady, knowing she would be my salvation. (Lawful)
8: The same. A contract is binding and I would have followed the conditions. (Lawful)
9: I would follow the orders I was given. (Lawful)
10: He deserved to die for betraying his faith and oath to Vol. (Lawful)
11: The Dominator. (Lawful Evil)
12: They lack intentions, plans, methods and the stomach for what must be done. (Lawful Evil)
13: Blue or black. (Lawful Evil)
14: Destroy the adventurers without pause or consideration. (Lawful Evil)
15: The High Priest of Vol.

Respostas para Mentau
1: Silver Flame. (Good)
2: Never. He is a scourge on Xen'drik and he must be stopped. (Good)
3: If something has heat it should be left as it is and Cinnis should deal with his hatred internally. (Good)
4: I would have done anything to save my daughter. (Good)
5: Destroy it once and for all. (Good)
6: I think using his artificing skills to make flesh golems is ingenious. (Chaotic)
7: I would have ransacked the temple for anything I needed to stay alive and killed any who had what I needed. (Chaotic)
8: Broken the arrangement as soon as I could get another good chance to strike down the Black Abbot. (Chaotic)
9: Forget that. It's not my fight, I'd leave and go somewhere far from where the Abbot would ever tred. (Chaotic)
10: If the Black Abbot offered him a better deal, I can't blame him for taking it. (Chaotic)
11: The Rebel. (Chaotic Good)
12: They lack both a free spirit and a good heart. (Chaotic Good)
13: Brass or bronze. (Chaotic Good)
14: Let the adventurers pass and aid them in their battle against the Black Abbot. (Chaotic Good)
15: Mentau, the Flesh Maker.