sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Shield of Legend

Guia para completar a "quest" Shield of Legend, e receber como reward um escudo de sua escolha.

Primeiramente converse com Racella Unary na parte Norte de Necrópolis, ela lhe dará um Shield: Frame, onde você colocará 8 Shield Fragments.

São 4 quests que oferecem chest’s opcionais contendo os Shield Fragments:

1/2 - Temple of Vol (Golem Chest)
3/4 - Ghosts of Perdition (Kill 4 Waves Chest)
5/6 - Fleshmaker’s Laboratory (Golem Enslaught Chest)
7/8 - Inferno of the Damned (Locked Acolyte Chest)

Depois de completar o Shield Frame, fale novamente com Racella Unary e escolha seu reward.

Lista Fixa de Reward’s
Adherence - +3 Tower Shield, DR 3/-, Enchantment Save +6
Arrondi - +4 Large Shield, Feather Falling, Adamantine, Moderate Fortification
Bijio - +4 Large Shield, Proof Against Poison, Improved Fire Resistance,Improved Empower Healing I
Death’s Door - +4 Large Shield, Fearsome, Deathblock
Fanion - +4 Large Shield, Twilight, Mithral, Magi, Greater False Life
Sorrel - +5 Large Shield, Protection +4, Resistance +4
Talon - +3 Large Shield(DR:4, Base Dmg: 2d6, Crit: 19-20 /x3), Maiming, Keen